Cyber Monday Deal!
Ring in 2025 with 25% OFF your Digital Badge set-up fee!
Digital badges are a cost-effective and fully scalable solution for credential verification that offers additional benefits not available with traditional certificates, including:
- Customizable Verification – The branded digital icon is embedded with links to qualifying information, such as who issued the credential, where and how it was earned, and a detailed description of the competencies met.
- E-Certificates – In addition to a branded digital icon, certificants are issued a branded e-certificate that reflects the most recent updates to their profile and is embedded with a unique QR code for real-time verification.
- Improved Security – Credentials are authenticated in real-time, ensuring that only current certificants in good standing will have their credentials verified.
- Online Marketing – The digital icon can be included in certificant’s email signature, on their website, blog, and across social media platforms.
- International Compatibility – Digital badges offer 24/7 verification.
Don’t miss this opportunity to provide additional value to your certificants – while advancing your organization’s credibility and digital reach – and saving 25%! Contact PTC to learn more about this exciting new solution:
* The 25% discount is valid through 12/31/2024 and applies to basic set-up fees for new digital badge clients only. Some advanced customizations may incur additional fees not eligible for the discount. The discount cannot be applied to digital badge maintenance fees.