The National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists (NBPNS) grew out of a coalition of nutrition societies known as The Intersociety Professional Nutrition Education Consortium (IPNEC) that was founded in 1997. The goal of IPNEC was to expand nutrition literacy among physicians by expanding the pool of Physician Nutrition Specialist®, establishing education standards for fellowship training of PNSs, and establishing a unified mechanism for certifying PNSs.


OUR MISSION: The current mission of the National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists (NBPNS) is to maintain credentialing standards for assessment and certification of physicians seeking recognition as a Physician Nutrition Specialist. Certification as a Diplomat of the NBPNS signifies a physician as having achieved a high level of competency and understanding in scientifically sound, evidenced-based medical nutrition. 

For Examination Dates, Application deadlines, Eligibility requirements, and Fees, please click on the examination link below.